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What is keyword research and why it is important for SEO?

What is Keyword Research in SEO? Keyword research is the foundation of any SEO and SEO marketing campaign. Without it, SEOs, marketers, and webmasters might blindly create content without any real ”business” justification.

In this article, you will learn 5 reasons why keyword research is important for SEO.

What is Keyword Research

Keyword research is the process of discovering popular words and phrases that people are typing into a search engine to find the information they are looking for.  The insight you can get into these search terms can help inform your content and your larger marketing strategies. A keyword can be one or two words, but it can also take the form of a complete phrase or a question.

Keyword research should be the first step that all webmasters and marketers follow when creating new content for a website or a client.

With that being said, let’s discuss why keyword research is important for any SEO marketing campaign.

Importance of keyword research for SEO

Keyword research is often the first step of any SEO campaign, By researching and selecting the most appropriate target keywords, you create the opportunity to rank well in search engines for that specific topic.

High rankings in search engines drive traffic to your website, and in turn, allow you to promote your products/ services online. By researching and selecting the most appropriate target keywords, you create the opportunity to rank well in search engines for the specific topic. High rankings in search engines drive traffic to your website, and in turn, allow you to promote your products/ services online.

5 Reasons why keyword research is Imp

Here are 5 reasons why every SEO and marketer needs to prioritize keyword research when creating content or starting a new SEO campaign.

1. Find what people are searching for online

When conducting keyword research, a content creator can get the inside scoop on what people are searching for online. This information is vital because it gives content creators instant feedback on whether or not a content idea is worth spending time and resources on.

2. Understand the Competitive Landscape

Keyword research allows SEOs to understand the competitive landscape by giving them a clear picture of who they’re competing against. Keyword research gives insights into how difficult or easy it will be to rank in the top spot in Google search and other search engines. This leads us to the next reason why keyword research is important for SEO.

3. Identify Low competition content opportunities

When conducting keyword research, you’ll be able to dig up content opportunities that have low competition. By targeting low-competition keywords, you’ll increase the odds of your content attracting more visitors and organic traffic to your website through search engines.

The opposite is also true, keyword research will reveal which keywords you should avoid targeting because of established domains already ranking for them.

4. Understand search intent

Google’s main mission is to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful. Google does this by serving the most relevant results for each search query. So if you want to rank in the top spot, you’ve got to create the most relevant content that aligns with search intent. Keyword research helps you to understand the search intent for your target keywords.

By typing in your target keyword into Google Search, you’ll be able to see what results come up. This can indicate which results in Google deems to be the most relevant to your search query and target keywords.

5. Find commonly asked questions

Google’s “People also ask” section is another part of the SERP that you can look at when doing keyword research.  This section reveals questions asked by Google users. By answering these questions or creating content based on these questions, you can reach people who are looking for answers to the questions.


So, now you get to know what is Keyword research in SEO and why it is imp for SEO. It reveals a plethora of valuable insights into who your competitors are and what content to create. The most significant reason keyword research is important is that it helps you find what people are searching for online; keyword research should be the first step you take when starting a new SEO campaign.

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